Physical Parcel
栏目:Physics Impression/Model 发布时间:2023-10-10
Phycisal Impressions / ModelsPlease send your phycisal parcel to our HongKong logistics partner,they will help us to pick it up at Airport in the first time and deliver to our lab.The shipping informa

Phycisal Impressions / Models

Please send your phycisal parcel to our HongKong logistics partner,they will help us to pick it up at Airport in the first time and deliver to our lab.

The shipping information (UPS/FEDEX/DHL)

- Company name(HongKong logistics partner) : HUILE DENTURE TECHNOLOGY HK CO LTD

- Address line 1 : (RM7) 20/F YOUNG YA IND BLDG   

- Address line 2 :381-389 SHATSUI ROAD TSUEN WAN


- Region :HongKong

- Contact : Eliot

- Phone : 51635032